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How to Not Get Stressed Out Easily


Stress is part of our daily life, and according to a study by the American Psychological Association, most adults tend to downplay their stress, with over 67% of the participants in the study saying their problems aren’t “bad enough” to be stressed about. Nearly a quarter of adults rated their stress between an eight and ten on a scale where 1 one meant no stress, and 10 meant a great deal of stress.

Our digital world is a double-edged sword. While it keeps us connected, it can also be a major stressor, fueling the fire of cortisol – that pesky "stress hormone." Work deadlines and social media can feel like a constant ping-pong game, leaving us frayed and frazzled. 

But fear not; there are plenty of ways to hit the reset button and reclaim your inner zen. 

In this small guide on how to not get stressed out easily, we’ve gathered the best tips and methods to help you keep stress in check and a quick layout of how stress works. 


Key Takeaways

  • Learning to adapt to changes and how your body works can help you cope and manage stress, specifically keeping cortisol, sometimes called the “stress hormone,” at bay.
  • Physical activity releases endorphins, natural mood boosters that reduce stress and improve sleep. Getting consistent and quality sleep is vital to keep stress in check.
  • Practicing mindfulness or meditation can help you focus on the present to calm your mind and ideas and manage stress levels.
  • Keeping your space and schedule in order and building a system that works for you can be helpful to support your stress.
  • Building strong relationships and talking to friends and family can prevent from feeling even more stressed and generally feeling less isolated.
  • Herbal supplements like TUNE IN, with key adaptogenic ingredients, can support your mood, stress management, and general focus.


How to Cope and Manage Stress

Coping and managing stress can be easier for some people than others. However, developing a healthy habit to manage stress is crucial to maintaining good mental and physical health. Stress triggers the release of a hormone called cortisol, often called the “stress hormone.”

Cortisol plays a vital role in different bodily functions, including things like blood sugar levels, regulating metabolism, and reducing inflammation. However, if you are under constant stress, the body produces more cortisol than it can handle. This overproduction can lead to several issues, including anxiety, weight gain, and even sleep deprivation.

Because of this, managing stress helps keep cortisol levels in check and maintains your well-being. You can start this through regular physical activity, mainly as physical activity can help you release endorphins, which are referred to as natural mood filters.

We’ll talk more about exercise and other tips down below, but just know that there are ways to cope with stress and relax yourself with activities you can enjoy.

In the end, you will have to find a system that works for you, your needs, and how your body reacts to stress. Some people will need vigorous exercise and sleep, and others might need more light activities that include nature, like an outdoor yoga class with friends. 

Try nurturing these activities and social connections to reduce feelings of isolation since reaching out and being social can be a good way to cope and manage stress.

Now that we’ve discussed what coping with stress entices, let’s start with some activities to help you with these goals.


How to Not Get Stressed Out Easily

Now that we’ve taken a quick recap on coping and managing stress, let’s start with some of the best tips and activities that can help you achieve this goal. 

From getting enough rest, practicing meditation, and spending time with nature to trying safe and versatile herbal supplements that can help with some stressors biologically, you can definitely start to work towards getting better stress levels. Let’s start.

Get Enough Rest

Getting the right amount of sleep is key to getting your stress in check and overall wellness. Adults require consistent and quality sleep, especially if they are under constant stress. And while there is a common myth that you can “catch up” on sleep during weekends, it is important that you still get the right amount and quality that you need.

Additionally, more than nine hours of sleep could indicate underlying health issues. Insomnia and sleep apnea are some disorders that disrupt sleep. Still, you can start facing these and support stress by avoiding stimulants like caffeine or nicotine, building a sleeping routine, and exercising to feel calm after a day.

Practice Meditation or Mindfulness

Both meditation and mindfulness can be powerful tools to help you reduce cortisol production and reach your wellness goals. Both of these practices help you focus on the present, reducing the regular hustle of everyday life and mental activity that might keep you from focusing on the present.

These exercises can help you get into a calmer state of mind. It can also help you recognize and manage external stressors in an effective way in the long run.

Exercise and Move Your Body

Regular physical activity can go a long way with your overall health and general stress management, including mental health. Exercise releases feel-good hormones, like endorphins, which act like natural painkillers and mood boosters in your brain.

All of these can help with stress and also improve sleep, which are both impacted by stress. Whether you want to take a walk outside, run a few laps, take a yoga class, or have a more vigorous workout, regular exercise in all forms can potentially support symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Use Breathwork and Breathing Exercises

Now, breathwork and breathing exercises can be simple yet effective methods to help your stress and generally help you feel calmer. These practices involve having a conscience while controlling your breathing pattern to help you get control over your mental, emotional, and physical state.

These techniques can range from deep breathing to guided meditation with breathing and even progressive relaxation through different rhythms.

By having these progressive exercises that make you feel more relaxed, you can improve concentration, reduce tension, and provide a quick and accessible way to take a quick break from your thoughts by putting your mind elsewhere.

Think of it as a meditation based more on the breath and the patterns you use rather than the imagery and visualization that occurs with meditation.

Take Breaks when Needed

Let’s now talk about taking breaks, which might seem simple but is definitely needed whenever you have lots of stress going on. Taking these small pauses is key for your mental health and productivity, as continuous work can worsen your attention and the quality of your work as time passes.

Breaks allow your mind to rest, feel refreshed, and get back to tasks with a renewed focus and mood. It’s essential to listen to your body and mind and take breaks as needed, whether it is just a short walk, a quick moment to relax, or simply disconnecting with a quick podcast or video.

Connect with Others

While it might seem counterintuitive at first, social connections and getting with friends can also create feel-good hormones as well.

Building and keeping relationships with family, friends, or even support groups can help you with emotional support, reduce feelings of isolation, and even give you different perspectives on stressful situations.

Try engaging in social activities, from taking a class, finding a book club, or simply reuniting with your family every now and then with a phone or video call. Ultimately, spending time with loved ones can support your general well-being and mental health, reducing stress and enhancing your overall well-being.

Stay Organized

A way to keep stress in check is to stay organized. But don’t fret; you don’t have to have a super-structured organization to be successful. Simply organizing your space, schedule, and tasks can reduce stress. 

The first step is to write down your thoughts and tasks and prioritize each of them. Remember that the aim is not to be perfect but to complete tasks without the constant pressure of feeling behind.

If you overschedule or your calendar is imbalanced with tasks and events, organizing might have the opposite effect and make you feel even more stressed. If this is the case, you should cut back on obligations, ask for help inside your organization if it's part of your workplace, or seek help from a professional. 

Prioritizing tasks and estimating time can help you alleviate stress and increase efficiency, but overdoing can be counterproductive.

Keep a Balanced Diet with Enough Protein and Fiber

A healthy and balanced diet can help you manage stress and overall health. By organizing your meals, you can better understand what your body needs and then cut off the foods that might make you sleepy.

When meals and snacks are planned and prepped ahead of time, it becomes easier to make healthier choices and avoid impulse or binge eating. You might also want to cut off sugar and processed foods and try low-sugar snacks to prevent energy crashes. 

Try foods rich in fiber, protein, and vitamins like magnesium and zinc to help you cope with stress. A diet rich in protein and fiber is not only good for physical health, but it will give you positive effects in the long run and can help you with your general well-being.

Minimize Your Screen Time

Another way to feel less stressed is to disconnect from your screens and social media. Managing your screen time can be important to lower your general cortisol, as the excessive use of screens can lead to increased stress and waste your time instead of doing physical activities that could help you unwind and destress.

It’s important to find a balance between your screen time and apps, and do other activities that can help with your mental health, from journaling and meditation to meal prepping. You can use your own smartphone’s usage lock so it doesn’t interfere with other activities.

Try Journaling

Journaling and writing can be a powerful tool to manage stress and let your thoughts go. It can help you identify what is making you stressed, understand how you feel, and write down your general feelings throughout the day.

You can start by keeping a daily log to find themes and patterns in what causes stress and how you respond to it. You can also add doodles, color codes, and even small graphs showing how you felt during that day.

These self-awareness exercises can be critical in developing a healthier way to cope with stress and cortisol production. Journaling can also provide an outlet for expressing feelings and thoughts, which some people find therapeutic at the end of the day.

Spend Time with Nature

Being surrounded by plants, trees, animals, and water bodies can help you improve and take your mind off your current stressors.

Activities like walking in a park, hiking, or simply taking a quick stroll can significantly impact your mental health. Whenever you connect with nature and get some sun, you also get some vitamin D, which can help you boost your mood and generally feel more relaxed. 

This connection with nature can provide a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life and allows for a quick moment of self-reflection too.

Consider Natural Supplements

Now, while some herbs can help lower some “stress hormones” like cortisol, it is best to find products with the right ingredients instead of blindly picking herbs. You should look for ingredients like adaptogens and nootropics and stay away from stimulants like caffeine instead.

A good supplement to help with concentration, focus, and cognitive functions is TUNE IN, a powdered drink that’s both tasty and versatile. Besides being low-calorie, its key ingredients, like ashwagandha extract, lion’s mane, cordyceps, and different types of vitamin B, can all help with stress in the right amount.

You can find TUNE IN in two delicious flavors: Pink Lemonade and Tropical Punch. You can mix it with water, tea, or juice or make fun smoothies to mix fiber, fruits, and other superfoods with all its ingredients. It can also help with the production of key hormones, including epinephrine, acetylcholine, and dopamine.


Final Thoughts

Remember that coping with stress can be a complicated journey, and just wanting to get started can be the first step towards getting better stress management. You’ll first need to start a coping system that involves listening to your body, your energy, and your overall activities.

You can start coping with stress by getting enough sleep, keeping a balanced diet, and exercising to help with “feel-good” hormones. It is key to have social activities or connections to prevent you from getting isolated, and even try herbal supplements like TUNE IN that can support your energy levels, concentration, and general mood.



Why Am I Getting Stressed so Easily?

Feeling easily stressed could be due to various factors, from daily pressures like work or finances to major life changes or underlying mental health conditions.

It's essential to pay attention to what triggers your stress and how your body reacts. Recognizing those patterns can help you identify the root cause and find personalized solutions.

How to Reduce Mental Stress?

Several tactics can combat mental stress. Mindfulness practices like meditation and deep breathing can calm your mind and manage racing thoughts. Prioritizing activities you enjoy, whether it's reading, spending time in nature, or connecting with loved ones, can also provide a much-needed escape.

Seeking professional support from a therapist or counselor can equip you with additional tools and strategies for managing stress effectively.

How Can I Reduce Stress Daily?

Incorporating simple practices into your daily routine can significantly reduce stress. Start by prioritizing sleep - a well-rested body is better equipped to handle challenges.

Regular exercise, even just a brisk walk, releases endorphins that combat stress hormones. Setting realistic goals and avoiding overcommitting can prevent feeling overwhelmed. Cultivating gratitude for the positive aspects of your life can shift your mindset and build resilience.

How Can I Destress My Body?

Techniques like progressive muscle relaxation can release tension in your body. Activities like yoga or dancing can be both a workout and a way to move through built-up stress. Even a warm bath or a soothing massage can help your body unwind and find its center of calm.

Remember, taking care of your physical well-being is crucial for managing stress holistically.

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The information provided on the VYU blog is intended solely for informational and entertainment purposes. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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