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Host Defense vs. Om Mushrooms vs. VYU


Choosing the right functional beverage is crucial for your health and wellness journey. You want a product that not only tastes good but also delivers on its health benefits.

Host Defense and Om Mushroom have been popular choices; they offer a range of mushroom-based supplements known for their immune-boosting properties. However, you might be looking for something more, something different that aligns better with your health goals and taste preferences.

VYU is a brand making waves for its unique blend of ingredients, transparency, and commitment to quality. We offer products designed to enhance mental clarity, energy, and overall well-being.

Let’s dive deeper and compare these brands side by side. Let’s find out which one truly stands up to the claims and meets your needs.

Host Defense vs. Om Mushroom vs. VYU at a Glance


Host Defense

Om Mushroom


Ingredient Transparency



Very High


Locally sourced

Local and Global

Exclusively organic sources

Health Benefits

Immune support focus

Broad wellness focus

Targeted mental clarity and energy


Not Applicable

Varied, mixed reviews

Superior taste and variety

Product Range

Supplements mainly

Wide range, including powders

Functional beverages

Innovative Formulations



High, with unique blends


Comparable to market

Comparable to market

Value for quality

VYU Overview

Vyu Overview

VYU is a brand making a name for itself in the world of functional beverages. Our flagship product, TUNE IN, is a mental performance drink designed to enhance focus, energy, and cognitive function.

What sets VYU apart is its unique blend of superfood mushrooms, vitamins, and nootropics. This carefully crafted formula aims to provide a natural, sustainable boost to your mental clarity and overall well-being.

With a commitment to using high-quality, organic ingredients and transparent labeling, VYU is a brand you can trust to support your health goals.

VYU Core Features

1. Superfood Mushroom Blend

VYU's TUNE IN features a powerful blend of superfood mushrooms, including lion's mane and cordyceps. These mushrooms are known for their potential to support brain health and energy levels.

Lion's mane, one of the best nootropic mushrooms, has been studied for its ability to stimulate the growth of new brain cells and improve cognitive function. It may also help reduce inflammation and support overall brain health.

Cordyceps, on the other hand, is known for its potential to boost energy levels and improve athletic performance. It may also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making it a valuable addition to any wellness routine.

By combining these two powerful mushrooms, VYU aims to provide a comprehensive approach to supporting mental clarity and energy levels.

2. Natural Energy Boosters

At VYU we understand that sustained energy is crucial for peak performance. That's why TUNE IN includes a range of natural energy boosters:

These ingredients work synergistically to provide a clean, sustained energy boost that can help you power through your day without relying on excessive caffeine or sugar.

3. Nootropics for Cognitive Enhancement

In addition to its energy-boosting properties, TUNE IN also includes a range of nootropics designed to support cognitive function:

These nootropics, combined with the superfood mushrooms and natural energy boosters, make TUNE IN a comprehensive approach to supporting mental performance and overall well-being.

VYU Pricing

VYU Pricing

We have two pricing plans — subscription-based and one-time purchase plans.

The former lets you get a bottle of VYU's TUNE IN for $39.00 or $1.95 per serving. You also get free shipping, refills every 30 days, and the privilege to order or cancel anytime.

For one-time buyers, a bottle of VYU caffeine-free drink will set you back $49.00 or $2.45 per serving.

Elevate your daily wellness routine! Discover VYU's range of nutrient-packed, plant-based beverages designed to boost your health and energy. Shop now and feel the natural difference!

Positives of VYU

  • Transparency: VYU is committed to using high-quality, organic ingredients and providing transparent labeling, so you know exactly what you're putting into your body.
  • Unique Formula: The combination of superfood mushrooms, natural energy boosters, and nootropics sets VYU apart from other functional beverages on the market.
  • Clean Energy: TUNE IN provides a sustained energy boost without relying on excessive caffeine or sugar, helping you avoid jitters and crashes.
  • Brain Health Support: With ingredients like lion's mane, alpha GPC, and Bacopa, TUNE IN takes a comprehensive approach to supporting cognitive function and brain health.

What Could Be Better

  • Flavor Options: Currently, TUNE IN is only available in one flavor (Pink Lemonade). Offering more flavor varieties could appeal to a wider range of tastes and preferences.

Host Defense Overview

Host Defense Overview

Host Defense offers a range of mushroom-based supplements designed to support overall health and well-being. Their products harness the power of medicinal mushrooms, which have been used for centuries in traditional medicine to boost immunity, improve cognitive function, and promote vitality.

Host Defense supplements are created using a combination of mycelium and fruiting bodies, ensuring users receive the full spectrum of beneficial compounds found in mushrooms. The company prides itself on its commitment to quality, sustainability, and transparency in its production process.

Host Defense Core Features

1. Organic, Non-GMO, and Sustainably Sourced Ingredients

Host Defense mushroom supplements are made with organic, non-GMO ingredients that are sustainably sourced from their own farms or trusted partners. The company maintains strict quality control standards to ensure that its products are free from contaminants and contain the highest quality mushroom extracts.

By using a combination of mycelium and fruiting bodies in their supplements, Host Defense provides users with a diverse array of beneficial compounds, such as polysaccharides, beta-glucans, and antioxidants. This comprehensive approach to mushroom supplementation sets Host Defense apart from other brands that may only use one part of the mushroom.

2. Comprehensive Mushroom Blends for Targeted Health Support

Host Defense offers a wide range of mushroom products formulated to support specific aspects of health. These include:

  • Multi-species mushroom supplements: A blend of 17 mushroom species designed to support overall immune function and well-being.
  • Lion's Mane: Promotes cognitive health, memory, and focus.
  • Reishi: Supports stress management, sleep quality, and immune function.
  • Cordyceps: Enhances energy, stamina, and respiratory health.
  • Turkey Tail: Supports digestive health and immune function.

This differentiation makes it easy for users to choose the right supplement for their specific health needs and goals.

3. Innovative Extraction Methods for Maximum Bioavailability

Host Defense employs cutting-edge extraction methods to ensure that the beneficial compounds in their mushroom supplements are highly bioavailable. Their dual extraction process involves:

  1. Hot water extraction: This method extracts water-soluble compounds, such as polysaccharides and beta-glucans, which are known for their immune-supporting properties.
  2. Alcohol extraction: This process captures the fat-soluble compounds, such as triterpenes and sterols, which offer additional health benefits.

By combining these two extraction methods, Host Defense creates supplements that deliver a broad spectrum of bioactive compounds, maximizing the potential health benefits.

Host Defense Pricing

host Defense Lion's Mane PowderHost Defense employs two pricing plans: subscription-based and one-time purchase plans. For one-time buyers, the price ranges from $10.95 to $138.28. 

Positives of Host Defense

  • Quality ingredients: Host Defense uses organic, non-GMO, and sustainably sourced ingredients in their supplements.
  • Comprehensive blends: The company offers a variety of mushroom blends targeting specific health needs, making it easy for users to find the right supplement for their goals.
  • Innovative extraction methods: Host Defense's dual extraction process ensures that its supplements contain a broad spectrum of bioavailable compounds.
  • Transparency: The company is committed to transparency in its production process and maintains strict quality control standards.

What Could Be Better

  • Limited flavor options: Some users may prefer supplements with a variety of flavors to mask the natural taste of mushrooms.
  • Higher price point: Host Defense supplements may be more expensive compared to other mushroom supplement brands, which could be a barrier for some consumers.
  • Lack of individual mushroom extracts: While Host Defense offers comprehensive blends, some users may prefer supplements that feature individual mushroom extracts for more targeted support.

Om Mushroom Overview

Om Mushroom Overview

Om Mushroom offers a range of mushroom-based supplements designed to support overall health and well-being. Their products harness the power of medicinal mushrooms, which have been used for centuries in traditional medicine to boost immunity, improve cognitive function, and promote vitality.

Om Mushroom supplements are made with organic, sustainably sourced, non-GMO ingredients. The company maintains strict quality control standards to ensure that its products are free from contaminants and contain the highest quality mushroom extracts.

Om Mushroom Core Features

1. Wide Range of Mushroom Blends for Targeted Health Support

Om Mushroom offers a diverse selection of mushroom blends, each formulated to support specific aspects of health:

  • Master Blend: A comprehensive blend of 10 mushroom species designed to support overall health and well-being.
  • Energy Blend: A combination of cordyceps, lion's mane, and other adaptogenic herbs to boost energy and focus.
  • Beauty Blend: Reishi, Chaga, and other antioxidant-rich mushrooms to support skin health and radiance.
  • Immune Blend: Turkey tail, maitake, and other immune-boosting mushrooms to support the body's natural defenses.

These targeted blends make it easy for customers to choose the right supplement for their specific health needs and goals.

2. Organic, Non-GMO, and Sustainably Sourced Ingredients

Om Mushroom uses high-quality, organic ingredients in its supplements. The mushrooms are grown on certified organic farms, ensuring that they are free from harmful pesticides and chemicals.

The company also prioritizes sustainability in its sourcing practices. It works with trusted partners who share their values of environmental stewardship and responsible farming.

By using organic, non-GMO, and sustainably sourced ingredients, Om Mushroom provides customers with products they can feel good consuming.

3. Variety of Product Formats Including Powders, Capsules, and Gummies

Om Mushroom offers supplements in a range of formats to suit different preferences and lifestyles:

  • Powders: Mushroom powders can be easily mixed into smoothies, coffee, or other beverages for a convenient way to incorporate mushrooms into your daily routine.
  • Capsules: For those who prefer the ease and convenience of a pill, Om Mushroom offers blends in capsule form.
  • Gummies: A tasty and fun way to get your daily dose of mushrooms, Om Mushroom gummies are perfect for those who don't like swallowing pills or have trouble with the taste of powders.

By offering multiple product formats, Om Mushroom makes it easy for customers to find a supplement that works for them.

Om Mushroom Pricing

Om Master Blend Organic Mushroom Powder

Om Mushrooms allows one-time purchasing. Their prices range from  $19.99 to $39.99, and you get products like pure mushroom blends and mushroom-plant blends. All in all, real value for money!

Positives of Om Mushroom

  • Quality ingredients: Om Mushroom uses organic, non-GMO, and sustainably sourced ingredients in their supplements.
  • Targeted blends: The company offers a variety of mushroom blends targeting specific health needs, making it easy for customers to find the right supplement for their goals.
  • Multiple product formats: Om Mushroom offers supplements in powders, capsules, and gummies, providing options for different preferences and lifestyles.
  • Transparency: The company is committed to transparent sourcing and production practices.

What Could Be Better

  • Limited information on extraction methods: While Om Mushroom emphasizes the quality of its ingredients, there is limited information available about their extraction methods and how they ensure the bioavailability of their supplements.
  • Higher price point: Om Mushroom supplements are on the higher end of the price spectrum compared to some other mushroom supplement brands.
  • Limited international shipping: Currently, Om Mushroom only ships within the United States, which may be a drawback for international customers interested in trying their products.

Key Comparison Areas

All three brands prioritize quality and organic ingredients. However, VYU stands out for its innovative blend of superfood mushrooms, nootropics, and adaptogens in a convenient, ready-to-drink format.

Host Defense and Om Mushroom offer a wider range of products and targeted health benefits, while VYU focuses specifically on mental clarity, sustained energy, and overall well-being.

VYU provides the highest level of transparency about its ingredients and formulation, while Host Defense and Om Mushroom could improve in this area.

In terms of price point, all three brands are in the moderate to high range, reflecting the quality of their ingredients and the value they provide.

Ultimately, your choice depends on your specific health goals, preferences, and lifestyle. If you're looking for a high-quality, convenient way to support mental clarity and overall well-being, VYU's innovative functional beverages are definitely worth considering.

However, if you have targeted health concerns or prefer a traditional supplement format, Host Defense and Om Mushroom both offer excellent options with a proven track record of quality and efficacy.

No matter which brand you choose, incorporating medicinal mushrooms into your wellness routine is a smart choice for supporting your health and vitality. With the power of these ancient superfoods now more accessible than ever, there's never been a better time to experience their benefits for yourself.

Host Defense vs. Om Mushroom vs. VYU: Product Focus

Host Defense offers a wide range of mushroom supplements with a focus on immune support, cognitive function, and stress management. Its products harness the power of mycelium and fruiting bodies to provide a full spectrum of beneficial compounds.

Om Mushroom provides a diverse selection of mushroom supplements and blends targeting specific health needs such as immune support, energy, cognitive function, and beauty. The brand offers supplements in various formats, including powders, capsules, and gummies.

VYU specializes in functional mushroom beverages designed to enhance mental clarity, provide sustained energy, and promote overall well-being. Its flagship product, TUNE IN, is an innovative ready-to-drink beverage that combines superfood mushrooms, nootropics, and adaptogens.

Host Defense vs. Om Mushroom vs. VYU: Ingredients

Host Defense uses organic, non-GMO, and sustainably sourced ingredients in their supplements. They employ a combination of mycelium and fruiting bodies in their products to ensure users receive a diverse array of beneficial compounds.

Om Mushroom prioritizes organic, non-GMO, and sustainably sourced ingredients in their supplements. The company works with trusted partners who share its values of environmental stewardship and responsible farming.

VYU crafts its beverages using organic superfood mushrooms, nootropics, and adaptogens. Their unique blend aims to provide a natural, sustainable boost to mental clarity and overall well-being without relying on excessive caffeine or sugar.

Host Defense vs. Om Mushroom vs. VYU: Transparency

Host Defense maintains a high level of transparency about its ingredients and production process. The company is committed to quality control and ensuring its products are free from contaminants.

While Om Mushroom emphasizes the quality of its ingredients, there is limited information available about the extraction methods and the bioavailability of its supplements. The company could improve in this area to provide more transparency to consumers.

VYU provides the highest level of transparency about its ingredients and formulation. They are open about what goes into their products and the science behind their unique blend, giving consumers a clear understanding of what they're consuming.

Get Started with VYU

TUNE IN stands out by offering a unique, ready-to-drink beverage that combines superfood mushrooms, nootropics, and adaptogens.

This innovative approach not only makes it convenient to support mental clarity and sustained energy but also ensures you get a broad spectrum of health benefits without the need for multiple supplements.

With our commitment to using high-quality, organic ingredients and providing complete transparency about our product formulations, VYU earns trust and confidence. You know exactly what you're consuming and can feel good about the positive impact on your wellness.

Moreover, VYU's focus on taste ensures that enhancing your daily wellness routine is not only beneficial but also enjoyable. This commitment to quality, transparency, and convenience positions us as a top choice for those looking to support their health and energy in a natural, efficient way.

Elevate your daily wellness routine! Discover TUNE IN's range of nutrient-packed, plant-based beverages designed to boost your health and energy. Shop now and feel the natural difference!

VYU Blog Disclaimer

The information provided on the VYU blog is intended solely for informational and entertainment purposes. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

For more information, check out our FAQs and contact page.

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