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How Long Does it Take to Get Over Caffeine Withdrawal?


Coffee is a beloved beverage, providing a much-needed energy boost to millions of people every day. A freshly brewed coffee makes you feel alert, energized, and ready to take on the day. It makes sense that when people become dependent on this pick-me-up and suddenly stop drinking it, they experience unpleasant side effects known as caffeine withdrawal.

In this article, we'll dig deeper into how long it takes to get over caffeine withdrawal, what symptoms you can expect to experience, and tips on how to ease the transition.


Key Takeaways

  • Caffeine withdrawal happens when you suddenly stop consuming caffeine after being a regular consumer.
  • The main symptoms of caffeine withdrawal are headaches, fatigue, irritability, bad mood, and difficulty concentrating.
  • Getting over a caffeine withdrawal period may take between a few days up to weeks, depending on factors such as your consumption levels, age, and metabolism. 
  • The best way to avoid withdrawal symptoms is to gradually reduce your caffeine intake instead of all at once.


What is Coffee Withdrawal?

Coffee withdrawal occurs when you suddenly stop drinking caffeine after regularly consuming it. The symptoms' intensity and duration are directly related to how severe your caffeine dependence is.

This withdrawal is a known medical diagnosis that can affect people who depend on coffee for its calming effects, energy boost, or other reasons. It can lead to uncomfortable physical symptoms such as:


Research shows that headaches are among the most common withdrawal symptoms caused by suddenly ceasing caffeine consumption. This is due to the decreased blood flow to your brain and decreased serotonin levels associated with coffee consumption.


Caffeine acts as a stimulant and can help keep you alert and energetic throughout the day. When you abruptly stop drinking coffee, you may experience fatigue. This is due to the lack of energy boost provided by caffeine and your body's reduced ability to absorb glucose normally.

Studies show that caffeine blocks receptors for adenosine, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycles. Therefore, when you stop taking coffee, you may start feeling drowsy and tired.

Irritability and Anxiety

Caffeine can also act as a mild tranquilizer and can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. When you suddenly stop drinking coffee, these symptoms may become more intense. You may also find yourself feeling more irritable or overwhelmed than usual.

Research shows that caffeine increases heart rate and blood pressure, so when you stop drinking coffee, it can cause these measurements to drop and lead you to feel lightheaded or dizzy.

Difficulty Concentrating

Researchers have shown that coffee boosts the levels of adrenaline in your body. This hormone can help improve concentration and alertness. Further studies indicate that it increases the activity of dopamine and norepinephrine, which are excitatory neurotransmitters and can help enhance your mood and focus.

When you phase out caffeine, the levels of these hormones decrease, leading to difficulty concentrating and a decreased ability to focus. This is why coffee is sometimes recommended for those looking for ways how to overcome brain fog.

Depressed Mood

Caffeine has been shown to block adenosine, a neurotransmitter involved in promoting relaxation and sleep. When you stop drinking coffee, the levels of adenosine increase, leading to a depressed mood.

Studies indicate that individuals who abruptly stop drinking coffee may experience feelings of irritability, anxiety, or sadness.

There is also evidence that caffeine may lead to a reduced risk of depression. Therefore, your mood will likely take a hit when you quit taking it.


How Long is Coffee Withdrawal?

The amount of time it takes to get over caffeine withdrawal depends on the severity of your dependence. Symptoms may start 12-24 hours after your last cup of coffee and peak two to nine days later. Generally, symptoms should start subsiding within a week, but it can take longer for some people.

If you find that you're still experiencing withdrawal symptoms after a week or two, it may be worth speaking to your doctor about other methods to help ease the side effects.

The best way to avoid withdrawal symptoms is to gradually reduce your caffeine intake over a period of days or weeks. This will help your body adjust more easily and make it easier for you to break free from your coffee addiction.


How Long Does it Take to Get Over Caffeine Withdrawal?

In general, it takes about a week for your body to adjust when you stop drinking coffee. However, the precise amount of time it takes to get over caffeine withdrawal will vary from person to person, depending on their level of dependence. It can also take several weeks for people with severe dependence to fully overcome their symptoms.

Other factors can affect the amount of time it takes to get over caffeine withdrawal. They include:

  • How quickly you reduced your intake of caffeine: Did you abruptly stop or gradually reduce your caffeine intake? This is important as abrupt cessation can lead to more severe symptoms.
  • Your age: Generally, younger people are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than older adults. This means they may experience more severe withdrawal symptoms that take longer to dissipate.
  • Your overall health: Those with underlying health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, may have a harder time adjusting without coffee and take longer to get over the withdrawal symptoms.
  • Your metabolism: The speed of your metabolism can affect how quickly the caffeine is metabolized and processed in the body, which can influence the intensity and duration of the withdrawal symptoms.


Best Coffee Alternatives

Below are some of the best coffee alternatives that can help you overcome your caffeine withdrawal without having to compromise on the flavor or effects:

Yerba Mate

This South American tea has less caffeine than coffee but enough to provide a mild boost in energy. It also contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for improved overall health. It has a unique flavor that is slightly sweet and earthy.

Matcha Green Tea

Matcha green tea contains caffeine and helpful antioxidants like EGCG, which can help reduce inflammation. It has a pleasant grassy taste and provides an energizing boost without the jitteriness associated with coffee.

Chicory Root Coffee

Chicory root coffee is an herbal beverage made from the dried root of a plant. It has a nutty flavor and is naturally caffeine-free.

It also contains inulin, a soluble fiber that improves gut health and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Additionally, it helps in the growth of beneficial bacteria, especially Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli, two essential bacteria for gut health. It stimulates bile production in the digestive tract, which helps in fat and nutrient absorption.

Coconut Water

Coconut water is a refreshing beverage that contains electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It has a mild sweetness to it and won't give you the jittery feeling that coffee does. Additionally, it can help replenish fluids lost during exercise and provide hydration.

Golden Milk

Another tested and proven coffee alternative is golden milk. This is a turmeric-based drink that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also contains spices like cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, and black pepper for additional health benefits.

These ingredients work together to boost the immune system, improve digestion, and regulate blood sugar levels.

Lemon Water

Lemon water is an excellent choice for people who are trying to quit coffee. It's a simple beverage that can be made by squeezing the juice of half a lemon into a glass of warm or cold water. This drink helps boost energy levels and increase alertness while improving your mood and reducing cravings.

Research shows that lemon water contains an ample dose of vitamin C, which helps support the immune system and reduce inflammation.


Mushrooms Instead Of Coffee?

For centuries, mushrooms have been used for various medicinal purposes. From using mushrooms to supercharge creativity to treating numerous diseases, mushrooms have become a staple of holistic health. But is mushroom nature's limitless pill that can also be used to combat caffeine addiction?

Mushrooms, specifically adaptogenic mushrooms like chaga, cordyceps, and reishi, have been proven to help balance out hormones in the body. This can assist with normalizing cortisol levels that are associated with stress. 

When you reduce your caffeine consumption, it’s not uncommon for cortisol levels to rise as your body struggles to balance out the hormones. Adaptogenic mushrooms can help combat this and restore balance in the body.

Furthermore, mushrooms are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce stress throughout the body. This gives the liver an opportunity to get rid of toxins more efficiently. When the liver is free from toxins, it can function more optimally and helps with the caffeine withdrawal process.

Functional mushrooms improve brain function by increasing what’s known as “neuroplasticity.” This means that our brain is able to adapt more quickly and become more resilient when exposed to different environments and situations. When we rely on caffeine for energy, the brain becomes weaker and less efficient over time. 

With mushrooms, the brain can start creating new pathways, which can reduce the urge to rely on caffeine.

Mushrooms can provide a steady and sustainable source of energy that doesn’t make you crash after several hours. This gives your body the opportunity to repair itself and create new habits that don’t involve relying on caffeine.


Why Try Mushrooms Instead Of Coffee

There are many reasons why people are trying to reduce their coffee consumption, such as migraines, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and more. If you want to reduce caffeine intake without the negative side effects associated with withdrawal, then mushrooms might be your answer. 

Mushrooms can provide an energy boost without the crash that comes afterward. They also provide a natural source of antioxidants and are full of essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that can help keep your body running at its peak. Additionally, many mushrooms have proven medicinal properties that can help to improve sleep quality and mental clarity.

Compared to coffee, mushrooms provide a much more gradual energy release that does not cause the same jitters or crashes as coffee. For this reason, some people find that mushrooms provide a much more enjoyable experience than caffeine and are less likely to suffer from unpleasant withdrawals when they reduce their consumption.


How to Add Clarity to Your Mornings 

The way you start your morning can have a huge impact on the rest of your day. If you want to reduce your caffeine intake and ensure that you’re starting each day off with clarity, try adding mushrooms to your morning routine.

At VYU, we understand the importance of having a clear mind and focused energy when starting your day. That’s why we offer a delicious drink that supercharges creativity, boosts energy, and enhances mental clarity while providing a host of essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. 

VYU’s TUNE IN is a health-promoting blend of all-natural ingredients containing functional mushrooms like lion’s mane and cordyceps in addition to other nootropics and adaptogens. These powerful groups of nutrients create a synergistic effect that helps to improve focus, reduce stress, enhance memory, and speed up learning, with no caffeine.

Whether you’re trying to reduce your caffeine intake or just looking for a healthier morning boost, order VYU’s TUNE IN today, it's the perfect way to unlock your peak performance and explore the depths of your creativity.

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