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Full Body Workout Without Weights


When working out, most people rely on going to a gym or taking a fitness class and that's great. But, what would you say if I told you that there is a way for you to achieve a full-body workout without needing any equipment, instructor, or expertise. Plus, you can even do them in the comfort of your own home, or anywhere you want. 

The following exercises are designed to work every muscle group in your body relying only on your body weight. If you are a fitness newbie or an expert, all of these exercises will help you burn calories, stay lean, increase your strength, and build muscle. 

All you need to complete these exercises is some space for yourself, comfortable clothes, a proper pair of sneakers, and a bottle of water. Try them and enjoy the many benefits that a regular workout will bring into your life.


Key Takeways

  • You can achieve a comprehensive full-body workout without relying on any equipment, gym memberships, or fitness classes. These exercises utilize your body weight to target every muscle group effectively, allowing you to stay fit, burn calories, build strength, and increase muscle tone.
  • These exercises can be performed in the comfort of your own home or anywhere you choose. By eliminating the need for specialized equipment or an instructor, you have the flexibility to exercise whenever and wherever it suits you best. All you need is some space, comfortable clothing, a good pair of sneakers, and water to stay hydrated.
  • Whether you're a fitness beginner or an experienced individual, these exercises are designed to accommodate all levels of fitness expertise. Regardless of your starting point, these workouts can be tailored to your needs and goals, helping you improve your fitness, maintain a lean physique, and develop muscle strength effectively.
  • These exercises provide a range of full-body workouts that can be done without equipment, making them convenient for home workouts. Remember to prioritize proper form, gradually increase intensity, and adapt the workouts to your fitness level and goals



Planks are one of the most complete workouts out there. They target your abs, obliques, biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, and back muscles.

The premise is very simple: keep your body completely straight and hold it up for as long as you can. Ideally you should be able to hold the position for at least 20 seconds if you are a beginner. Get those 20 and work your way up from there. Here are the most common planks that you can do:

  1. High plank: position yourself facing down supporting your body weight on your hands and feet. Have your hands directly below your shoulders and your arms completely stretched out. Your body should be completely straight, imagine that you had a straight line drawn from your neck, passing through your butt up to your heels. Squeeze your abdomen and core muscles to ensure a proper posture and hold for as long as you can.
  2. Low plank: this variation is targeted more for the core muscles and reliefs pressure from your arms. What you want to do is begin in a normal high plank position but then bend your arms so that your body is supported in your elbows and forearms. Keep those forearms parallel to each other at all times. If you want to add intensity and engage more your arm and shoulder muscles try to alternate from low to high plank without losing form.



These are compound exercises, meaning that with one movement you will work several muscle groups. A single pushup will help you work your chest, arm, shoulder, and back muscles while engaging your core.

Pushups are one of the most recommended exercises in the fitness world not only because of the amount of muscular activity but also because they act as great cardio workouts, improve your posture, and reduce back pain.

The basic pushup requires you to set your body in a high plank position, with your body completely straight from neck to heels. Bring your whole body down supporting all the weight on your arms and then bring it back up when your face is almost touching the floor. Here are some variations that will help you work more your upper body:

  1. Diamond pushups: position yourself in a basic pushup but bring your hands together and form a triangle between your thumbs and index fingers.
  2. Wide pushups: a basic pushup but with your hands spread wider than shoulder length. 
  3. Declined pushups: you will need a bench or chair to place your feet on so they are higher than your head. After that, do a regular pushup.
  4. Controlled pushups: these are more advanced basic pushups that require more strength. For these, let your entire body drop on the floor before bringing it back up. Be careful not to lose your posture to avoid injuries. 



These are the best way for you to work those leg muscles and core. Almost all workout routines include them, from beginners to long-time fitness enthusiasts. The most important thing to take into account when performing squats and any of their variations is posture. Always keep your back straight and your head facing forward with your chin up, this way you are surely going to work all your core muscles and more importantly, avoid injuries.

To do them, hold your posture as mentioned and extend both arms with your palms facing down keeping them parallel to the ground. Then, proceed to lower your core by bending your knees and allowing your butt and hips to go back. Ideally your hips should go below your knee level but you can go as low as you want. After that, bring your body up again and try to push up from your heels to enhance your leg muscles.

Remember to maintain posture all the time. To add intensity, jump when going back up and move your arms above your head. Once again, push from your heels and maintain posture. 



This super-intense exercise will work your arms, legs, and core. To start, stand up with your feet spread at hip length. Then, drop your upper body placing both fully stretched arms in front of you, at the same time you will jump backward with both feet.

You should end up in a high plank position, remember to keep your body straight all the way from your head, passing through your butt and up to your heels. After that you will take a forward jump with your feet so that your knees are under your chest.

Finally, jump all the way up with your entire body, moving your arms above your head. Repeat as many times as you can.



This exercise will work your triceps, back, and chest muscles. You will need something stable and elevated from the ground such as a chair or a bench. To perform it simply stand in front of the chair with your back facing it.

Then, place both of your hands on the chair with your fingers facing forward and keep your legs completely straight. When you have that, let your core drop supporting your entire body weight on your arms, allowing them to bend.

Bring your body up again using only the force of your arms and keeping your back and legs completely straight. Repeat for as many times as you can.

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