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Best Mushrooms for Neurogenesis


If you feel like your brain health could use a bit of a boost, you might want to consider taking some functional mushrooms or supplements. While most people just know mushrooms through their culinary adventures, because they do taste pretty good, they also have a variety of potential benefits for the human body and mind.

Today, we're here to talk about the potential benefits that a variety of mushrooms may have for your brain health, specifically neurogenesis. In simplest terms, neurogenesis refers to the growth of new brain cells, which may lead to many other benefits for you.

That said, not all mushrooms are thought to spur on the process of neurogenesis; only a few very important ones. In this article, you'll learn all about neurogenesis, its relation to mushrooms, and what some of the best mushrooms for neurogenesis are.


Key Takeaways

  • Neurogenesis, loosely defined, refers to the growth of new brain cells, which has many potential benefits.
  • Various functional mushrooms, such as chaga, lion’s mane, cordyceps, and reishi, are believed to help increase levels of neurogenesis.
  • Many different functional mushrooms have the potential to provide your brain with a big health boost.


What is Neurogenesis?

Neurogenesis is generally defined as the growth and development of new nervous tissue. This refers to a process through which new nervous system cells, the neurons in your brain, are created by neural stem cells. In simplest terms, it's the growth of new brain cells, which has many benefits.

Neurogenesis and Memory

First and foremost, neurogenesis is thought to play a massive role in memory. It is believed that the formation of new nervous system cells and brain cells is responsible for the ability to assign timestamps or chronological orders to the events that we experience.

Neurogenesis may help make it easier for us to remember the order of events. It is also believed that neurogenesis may play a crucial role in both short-term and long-term memory.

Neurogenesis and Neuroplasticity

It is also believed that neurogenesis may directly lead to increased neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity is loosely defined as the ability of the central nervous system to change its activity in response to both extrinsic and intrinsic stimulus by reorganizing its functions, structures, and connections, particularly after traumatic brain injuries, strokes, and other such brain-related issues.

Neuroplasticity, therefore, helps to increase the rate and amount of healing that your brain is capable of after such a traumatic event. 

Neuroplasticity is also linked to developing, learning, and forming memories. Furthermore, it is also believed that higher levels of neurogenesis are also linked to lower levels of cognitive decline in old age.

Mood Regulation

It is also believed that increased levels of neurogenesis are linked to mood. Here is a study that indicates that decreased neurogenesis directly results in either anxiety or depression or a combination of both. 

Therefore, it would serve to reason that higher levels of neurogenesis in the brain can potentially decrease symptoms associated with anxiety and depression.

Find out what some of the best mushrooms for brain function are right here.


Mushrooms and Neurogenesis

It is theorized that mushrooms have various benefits for brain health, particularly where neurogenesis is concerned. A variety of mushrooms are considered superfoods and are thought to help boost overall brain health.

It may be the case that different mushrooms could help increase the brain's nerve growth factor while also enhancing neural repair.

The nerve growth factor in the human brain is very important as it is believed to help promote the growth, maintenance, and survival of the neurons in the brain. It also helps promote the growth, maintenance, and survival of axons in the brain and the myelin sheath around the axons.

These small protein-like molecules are responsible for increasing levels of neurogenesis. There are other protein-like molecules known as BDNF or brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which is also believed to be responsible for increasing neurogenesis.  

There are some mushrooms, such as those we will discuss below, which are thought to be responsible for increasing levels of BDNF in the brain.

Some mushrooms may also reduce overall oxidative stress, leading to various other benefits such as improved cognition, better memory, and overall better brain health. 

It may also be the case that a variety of functional mushrooms could help lower neural inflammation, leading to better brain health and possibly slowed and decreased mental decline due to old age.


Best Mushrooms for Neurogenesis

There are four specific mushrooms that are believed to be very beneficial in increasing levels of neurogenesis, so let's look at what these are.

Lion’s Mane

Lion’s mane, officially known as Hericium erinaceus, is a very large and white mushroom that has an icicle-like structure that looks like thousands of icicles cascading down from the surface. It also somewhat looks like a lion’s mane, hence its name.

This mushroom has been used for medicinal purposes for many centuries, possibly even millennia, particularly in Asia. It is a rather big staple in traditional Eastern medicine.

It is believed that this mushroom has the ability to stimulate increased levels of BDNF and the nerve growth factor in the brain, as indicated by this study, which together play a critical role in neurogenesis.

It is therefore believed that these mushrooms may support mental health by positively impacting a variety of mood disorders, particularly when related to symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Thanks to these potential benefits, it may also be the case that lion’s mane mushrooms can lead to overall cognitive enhancement, especially where concentration, focus, and memory are concerned. Some people even use lion’s mane to reduce brain fog

Overall, the lion’s mane mushroom is thought to have amazing neuroprotective properties that may help stop cognitive decline in old age while also benefiting memory.


We then have cordyceps, otherwise known as Cordyceps Militaris, which have also been used in Chinese and Asian medicine for hundreds of years. Traditionally, they are believed to help increase neurological health, energy, vitality, and more.

These long and golden yellow mushrooms don't just have a great deal of potential benefits for the human mind and body but are also known for having fantastic flavors.

Here is a study that suggests that cordyceps mushrooms have the potential to provide the brain with neuroprotective properties. This same study also indicates that these mushrooms may be beneficial for aiding the brain in recovering from a variety of neuroinflammatory disorders and various other neural issues that may affect cognition and memory.

Here is another study that strongly indicates that cordyceps mushrooms may be able to help improve both memory and learning capabilities. 

Here is yet another study suggesting that cordyceps may be able to help increase the levels of oxygen uptake in the brain, which in turn may help increase blood flow to the brain and ultimately help combat mental fatigue.


The chaga mushroom, scientifically known as the Inonotus obliquus, is a fungus that usually grows in colder climates in the northern hemisphere, particularly on the exteriors of the birch tree.

Although it may not look overly appetizing due to its black and shriveled appearance, the inside features a bright orange and amber color combined with a surprisingly great flavor.

This is a mushroom that has been used in many forms of traditional medicine, especially in Eastern Europe and Russia, for what seems to be many centuries now.

First, this mushroom is known for being extremely rich in antioxidants and is known for being one of the most antioxidant-rich foods in the world. Antioxidants may help to prevent oxidative stress on brain cells, which is linked to a decreased rate of cognitive decline due to old age.

Here is a study that suggests that the chaga mushroom may also provide your body and brain with anti-inflammatory benefits, which may decrease the rate or severity of inflammatory conditions linked to the brain.

Here we have a study that indicates that the chaga mushroom extract may have beneficial effects on both memory and learning by decreasing nitrite and malondialdehyde levels, restoring glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and acetylcholine levels. 

As you can see, this mushroom is believed to have many benefits in terms of neurogenesis, neural function, and neuroprotection.


Last but not least is the reishi mushroom, also known as Ganoderma lucidum. Once again, this is another mushroom that has been used in traditional Chinese and Asian medicine for what is likely thousands of years.

This is certainly one of the most unique-looking mushrooms around, as it is pumpkin-orange in color with a lighter orange rim and looks a lot like a kidney. It most commonly grows in very humid and hot locations.

As indicated by this study, it may be the case that the reishi mushroom features anti-inflammatory properties. Another study indicates that this same mushroom may also have great antioxidant properties.

As you might remember from our explanation above, anti-inflammatories and antioxidants can both have their own potential benefits for the health of our brains, especially regarding protecting against neural decline and brain diseases.

In fact, here we have a study that strongly suggests that the reishi mushroom has the potential to treat cognitive impairment, slow down neural decline, and promote neurogenesis.


Where to Buy Mushroom Supplements Online

If you are looking for the best mushroom supplements, then right here at VYU is your best bet. 

One of our favorite mushroom supplements is TUNE IN, which contains both lion’s mane and cordyceps mushrooms, among other vitamins, minerals, adaptogens, and nootropics.

These ingredients are designed to help promote memory, recall, focus, and energy. This is a great product for people to check out who are attempting to increase their own levels of brain power.

Many might also appreciate that TUNE IN contains absolutely no caffeine while still delivering energy boosts.

TUNE IN also comes in two great flavors: Tropical Punch and Pink Lemonade, both of which are sweetened with natural sugars such as stevia.


Final Thoughts

There are many mushrooms out there, such as chaga, lion’s mane, cordyceps, and others, which may help improve levels of neurogenesis in the brain, which has a plethora of other potential short-term and long-term benefits for your brain health.

If maintaining a healthy brain sounds like something you want to do, then we definitely recommend checking out some high-quality mushroom supplements, like TUNE IN.


Mushrooms for Neurogenesis: FAQs

What Mushrooms Enhance Neurogenesis?

Chaga, lion’s mane, cordyceps, and reishi are all believed to help enhance neurogenesis.

What Mushrooms Help Regrow Brain Cells?

One mushroom that is thought to help regrow brain cells is the lion’s mane.

What Mushrooms are Good for Neuroplasticity?

All of the mushrooms discussed today, including chaga, lion’s mane, cordyceps, and reishi, are all thought to have benefits for neuroplasticity.

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The information provided on the VYU blog is intended solely for informational and entertainment purposes. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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