15 Minute Home Workout-No Equipment
If you find yourself on a busy schedule, with limited time and not much to spare for exercise, but still want to stay healthy and fit, this article is for you. We’re going to show you the best ways to maximize your workout while minimizing the amount of time you need to do it.
All you need is some space to move around, and the motivation. If you’re short on time, make a goal to dedicate just 15 minutes a day to exercise, working through the following movements.
Key Takeaways
- Dedicate just 15 minutes a day to exercise with the suggested movements.
- The workout targets multiple muscle groups, including the core, arms, shoulders, and legs.
- All exercises can be done at home without any equipment, making it accessible and convenient for busy schedules.
15 Minute Home Workout No Equipment
1. PLANK TO DOLPHIN: (Do this for 1 minute)
This plank is the perfect move to warm-up. It also stretches your arms, shoulders, and, of course the core. To begin, you must position both your forearms on the floor, with your elbows aligned with the position of your shoulders. The palms of your hands must be downwards and your arms parallel one to the other.
For the starting position, completely extend your legs behind you, so that you’re positioned in a triangle shape or inverted V shape. To initiate the movement you must start moving your hips frontwards and backwards.
When backwards, you should find that your head is in between your arms. That’s how you know you’re doing it right. Do a slow pause, and then come back to the starting position.
2. PUSH UP: (Do this until muscle exhaustion, roughly 1-2 minutes)
This move is one of the most common, but should never be taken for granted. Push ups work your abs, your arms and your shoulders, all at once.
To start, position yourself in a plank (high plank) by putting your palms on the floor. The distance between your hands must be the width of your shoulders, which must be directly above your wrists.
Extend your legs behind, and tighten your core and glutes. To start the movement, bend your elbows and bring your body (while straight) towards the floor, then use the strength of your arms and hands to pull your body back up again.
The number of times you repeat this exercise depends on your personal fitness level. Simply do as many pushups as you can before reaching muscle exhaustion (you’re physically unable to complete anymore pushups in that set).
3. PLANK TAP: (Do this for 1 minute)
This move is all about stability. Begin in a high plank position, which is the same as the starting position for “Push-Ups”, with your hands at the width of your shoulders, and your legs extended behind you. Again, tighten your core and glutes.
Now, tap your right shoulder with your left hand, and then put it back on the ground where it was. Then, tap your left shoulder with your right hand, and put it back where it was. It is important to engage your core and glutes so your hips aren't moving all over the place. Do this for 1 minute.
4. FOREARM SIDE PLANK WITH TWIST: (Do this for 1 minute)
When it comes to core workouts, hitting the muscles on your sides is a must. A forearm side plank is slightly more difficult because you can easily get the angle wrong. Put your right forearm on the floor, making sure that your elbow is directly under your shoulder, and your hand is extended in front of your body.
With your left foot on top of your right foot, extend your body completely, making sure your muscles are all engaged and tight. To complete the starting position put your other hand behind your head, and your elbow towards the ceiling.
Always remember while doing these movements that all of the strength you’re using should come from the core. Rotate your torso downwards to be able to touch your hand with your elbow, then come back to the starting position and repeat for 1 minute on each side.
5. BICYCLE CRUNCH: (Do this for 2 minute)
This movement is great for the core especially, as it lets the arms rest a little. It also works the upper body and lower body simultaneously.
Lie facing up on the floor with your knees bent into a 90 degree position. Put your hands on the back of your head, with your elbows facing outwards. To start the movement it is important to engage your abs to be able to bring your upper body upwards.
Do a little half twist to get your elbow to touch the point of your knee on the opposite side of your body. Then, quickly go back to a rested laying down position. Finally, repeat the movement but with your other elbow and touching your other leg. It is important to go slow to get better results.
6. PLANK TO DOWNWARD DOG TAP: (Do this for 2 minutes)
This movement is about control and body strength. Start in a high plank, with your hands directly under your shoulders and the distance between your feet at hip width. The Downward Dog position consists of moving your hips up and back.
Using your right hand, touch the tip of your left toe, and return to the high plank position. Then, do the same movement but this time using your left hand to touch your right toe. Remember to keep your core and arms engaged and tight throughout the movement.
7. DIAMOND PUSH-UP: (Do this for 2 minutes)
This movement is a great workout for your triceps. The key to correctly executing this movement is engaging your core, so that most of your strength is coming from there.
Position yourself in a high plank. Place your hands exactly underneath where your shoulders are positioned, with your palms down. Then, start walking your hands towards each other until you get them to the middle and your fingers form a triangle figure.
Next, bend your elbows so that your chest comes down to meet your triangle-shaped fingers below. Then, push your body back up like you would a normal pushup. Repeat the movement for 1 minute.
8. LATERAL PLANK WALK: (Do this for 2 minutes)
For this movement you will literally be exercising almost every inch of your body. Your core will be engaged to its max.
Start in a high plank position with your palms on the floor at shoulder width. Extend your legs behind you and engage your core. Now, take a step to the right with your right foot and right hand, briefly hold that position (your chest will be closer to the ground), then in one movement, bring your left foot and left hand over so that you’re back in a high plank position.
Then, do the exact same movement but this time in the opposite direction. Or, you can take 2 or 3 steps in one direction, then 2 or 3 steps back in the way you came from.
9. BOAT POSE: (Do this for 2 minutes)
You would think that the positions that don’t require any movement are less intense. But on the contrary, to stay put in specific core-working positions for longer periods of time requires a lot of strength, stability and balance.
Sit on the floor, with your feet flat on the floor in front of you. Then, slowly raise your feet up into the sky so that you’re making a 45 degree angle with your upper and lower body. Balance in that position, resting on your tailbone. Next, straighten your arms parallel to the floor in front of you and hold for 1 minute.
Finally, bring your legs slowly back down to where they started from, your feet flat on the floor. These held positions are the best kind of movements to finish up a good workout.
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